From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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The role of SVG

The role of SVG

- [Instructor] Having dealt with imaging or bitmaps let's now turn our attention to line art or drawing, which brings us to the topic of scalable vector graphics. When it comes to UX design, SVG, which is scalable, vector graphic, is the only way to go. The reason is simple, being code based, they take little or no time to load and render. Also they are device independent and don't rely on the pixels in a device as we discussed in the previous exercise. An SVG will be just as crisp on an Apple watch, as it will be on a webpage or Android device, as such, SVG has become a rather handy tool in the UX design toolbox and SVG graphics are used for logos, icons, and you can see them here with the Google material design icon collection. They're reused in buttons, volume knobs, infographics, charts, and just about anything you can think of that is regarded as line art. What you may not know is the SVG format has been around since…
