From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Sketching your ideas

Sketching your ideas

- [Instructor] If I were to ask you, what is the most widely used design tool in the world? The odds are almost 100% I will be flooded with software suggestions. They're all wrong. The most widely used designed tool in the world, according to a study done by Todd Warfel, was paper. What he did was to ask survey respondents to select their three most common prototyping tools and paper was chosen by 77% of the respondents. The next largest category contained the digital tools at 59% Microsoft's Visio leading the pack. Your paper medium could be a moleskin notebook, a specialized wire framing notebook, a hunk of paper pulled out of the printer, or even a roll of paper on the boardroom table or a desk. Why paper? I tend to agree with Marcin Treader, the CEO of UXPin, who once said, "Paper has unique traits "that are unmatched by any advanced technology." So what are those qualities? First off, paper is a blank screen. There…
