From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Overview of conceptualization techniques

Overview of conceptualization techniques - Adobe XD Tutorial

From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

Overview of conceptualization techniques

- [Instructor] This chapter starts the process of answering the inevitable, so what's it look like question. Before we get going, I want to set the stage and talk in general terms. Before we get going, I want to set the stage and talk in general terms about the various stages involved as we move from sketches to interactive prototype. We tend to throw a lot of confusing language around when UX designers talk about what they're doing. A typical project usually starts on paper with sketches, and you see that over there on the left, and the sketches get translated into wireframes. Yeah, the wireframes are fleshed out as they become mockups in the middle, and the mockups are then changed into interactive prototypes. At every stage of the process, everything is refined to increase its focus. It's a lot like sharpening a knife. You know, it's a knife, but it can't cut a tomato, so you start with a coarse whetstone to smooth…
