From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Imaging: Image formats

Imaging: Image formats

- [Instructor] When it comes to creating the screens or webpages in UX Design projects, the images and graphics that appear on those screens or webpages, tend to support or reinforce the project's messaging. In this video, I want to cover all of the various image types used during the UX Design process. There are two basic types of images, Bitmap and Vector. Bitmaps, which is the photograph on the left, are composed of colored pixels. Vectors, the little heart on the right, are quite different. There are mathematical descriptions of shapes and their colors that are referred to as being device independent. Rather than getting into a long winded explanation about that one, vectors are code, and that tells the device or computer, what to draw. They aren't fixed to the screen's pixels like their bitmap counterparts. Where they fundamentally differ from each other is bitmaps can't be resized. Because even though the…
