From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Icons and icon tools

Icons and icon tools

- [Instructor] Another important feature of any design system is the icon collection, and I'd like to spend a minute or two talking about icons when it comes to UX design. Earlier in this chapter, I made it quite clear, the words on the page are what provide access to understanding. Staying with that thought, the next item in order of access to understanding, of course, are icons. They too are very important communication vehicles because they impart their meaning using symbols instead of a string of words, when it is not clear what that meaning represents, they become nothing more than squiggles on the screen. If you see an icon on the screen that you don't understand, you have my permission to add the following comment to that icon during the project review, "I don't get it." When using icons in your work, here are a few things to keep in mind. They must be intuitive and familiar to your users. There are certain icons that…
