From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Feedback and iteration

Feedback and iteration

- [Instructor] When building an app or a website, it is critical for you to incorporate user and team feedback as you move through the UX design process. Why? Getting relevant user and team feedback in the very early stages allows you to maximize your design and development resources by limiting the number of iterations each phase will undergo as the project moves to completion. So now, at the beginning phase of a project, it might be a good time to talk about giving feedback. There are a number of ways of gathering it. They include in person, this is invaluable because not only do you benefit from the comments, but you also get to see how the user interacts with the interface. When it comes to the team, this could be in the form of a design or project review. Just keep in mind the comments should not be in the realm of, "I don't get it." If you don't get it, say why you don't get it. You can use project management…
