From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Audio formats and content

Audio formats and content

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to talk a little bit about the user experience of audio. A common element found in many UX design projects is audio. It could be a voiceover, music, a click sound, or some other sound effect based on user interaction. Regardless of its use, audio can support the experience. And I'm going to talk about that and how it comes to be. First off, there are two rather common audio file formats, MP3 and AAC. MP3 is very common, and has a way of really compressing down an audio file, in very basic terms, MP3 will remove the sounds that you and I can't normally hear, and if you remove information, file size plummets, AAC, the Advanced Audio Coding, was developed by Apple for use in iTunes. And in many ways is regarded as superior to its MP3 cousin. Its file format is MP4, and in their raw format, audio files have massive file sizes, which is why compressed formats, such as MP3 and MP4 are needed,…
