From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Where to display ads

Where to display ads

- If your site makes its money, at least in part, from advertising revenue, you probably struggle with the balance of adverts and content. Based on the popularity of ad blocking software, it's pretty obvious that users would prefer not to see adverts on the sites they visit. If you watch eye tracking study output for pages with adverts on them, you'll find that people don't spend much time looking at the ads. Additionally, even if their eyes rest on the adverts, they tend to ignore the content. It's as if our brains, once they've seen the ad, manage to censor it so it doesn't register consciously. Obviously, that's led to a bit of an advertising arms race with some ads doing more and more to try and grab your attention, either by flashing and blinking or having fast moving elements, or by making some outlandish statement about how much money you just won or how much weight you could lose with their "one weird trick." Even sneakier, is the sponsored content style ad, which is formatted…
