From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Using images to set context

Using images to set context

- Whether you are running an e-commerce site or you're just advertising your company's products or services online, you're at a disadvantage compared to real life showrooms. When people shop for items in the real world, they like to reach out and touch them and get a sense of things like shape, size and manufacturing quality. That's harder to do online. No matter how many words you use, people are going to want to see the product. The best thing you can do is to use high quality photos, and sometimes even videos to get people as close as possible to a showroom or shop experience. Make sure you provide several views of the product and that the pictures can be zoomed in to see even the smallest of details. It's important to help customers see the size of the things you sell. For instance, to the uninitiated, all 3D printers might look like large beige boxes. If you are the manufacturer, you can show their relative size by having a person in the shot or by having the printer set up in an…
