From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Using Fitts' Law

Using Fitts' Law

- How does the design of something make it easier or harder to click on? Well, here's an example, comparing two web-based email clients. Which system do you think makes it easier for users to write a new message. Based on just the button size alone, we can probably say it's the one on the left. How can we be so sure? Well, it's all about Fitts' Law. Fitts' Law states that it's faster to hit a larger target closer to you than it is to hit smaller targets further away from you. Now, you're thinking that it should be easy enough to go off and find another equally apparent statement and make a law around it that you could attach your name to. The thing is, Mr. Fitts' didn't just make up that statement. He backed it up with science, making an equation that explained how much easier it would be, depending on all the variables. We don't care so much about the equation, but we do care about the implications of the law, and you can see those implications all around you. The brake pedal in cars…
