From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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The five-second test

The five-second test

- If you're not careful, homepages can get cluttered quickly, and that clutter can lead to confusion. In large organizations, everyone thinks that their content should have a place on the homepage. Even smaller companies think it's important to tell people everything they do right from the start. I've already said that simple design is one of the key principles you should be following. Your homepage is one of the most important places to enforce this rule. The homepage isn't the place to tell users everything they can do on your site. Instead, it's the place to set their journey in motion. A good rule of thumb is that visitors seeing your homepage for the first time should be able to say generally what the site is about after looking at it for only five seconds. Five seconds may not seem like very long, but that's typically as much time as it takes for people to form an impression of a site in their heads and either decide to keep reading or to hit the back button. How much stuff can…
