From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Standard design

Standard design

- Think about how much time you spend on any one site during a typical browsing session. Now, consider what proportion of their time your visitors are spending on your site compared to all the other sites that they visit that day. People spend much more time on other sites than on yours. They're learning how the web works from all those other sites, so it makes sense to use a design layout and navigation that's similar to these other sites. In other words, to use standard design. That doesn't mean making things boring. It just means you have to innovate with your content, not with the container that content is placed in. Standard design means using the same elements as the major sites do and avoiding the elements that they avoid. I know it's tempting to embrace the latest cutting edge design ideas, but there are two good reasons to stay standard. The first is that standard design is normally supported by the standard web objects, so you'll get better cross-browser compatibility…
