From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Showing the price for products

Showing the price for products

- If you sell products, the one piece of information that your customers are looking for is how much does it cost? What's surprising is the number of sites, especially in the business to business space, who don't make any mention of price. This is a major frustration to potential customers. They don't want to get involved with salespeople until they've got a good understanding of the product and its price point. In a large business to business research project that I ran, pricing information was twice as important to B2B purchases than a contact telephone number was. That tells you that they want to know how much your products cost way before they want to talk to you. Now, it might be that you are a wholesaler with a distributor network, so you don't feel that you can list prices. However, it's easy enough to list a manufacturer's suggested retail price, the MSRP, and put wholesale prices behind a vendor login. Or you might sell products that have multiple configurations. For…
