From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Providing a good information scent

Providing a good information scent

From the course: User Experience for Web Design

Providing a good information scent

- Think about how most people are going to find your site. Unless you have really good name recognition and a massive marketing budget, it's likely they'll come to you from a search engine or a link on another site. That means the first page they see will be somewhere deep within your site rather than the homepage. So although the homepage is a good place to let people know what the site's about, it's not the only place that you should do that. Every page has to make it clear what the site is about, where the visitor is within the site, and what they can do from that point. How do you go about doing that? We already talked about how the navigation elements of the page can set the scene, letting visitors know what's available to them. The other parts of the page also tell a story about the site and its contents. In this chapter, we'll cover the elements that every page should have to help visitors know where they are and what they can do. Once people get to your site, they'll need to…
