From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Mobile menus

Mobile menus

- When you develop your navigation structure, it's important to consider how it'll appear to people on mobile devices. Depending upon your particular audience, 50% or more of your visitors could be viewing your site from a phone or other smaller device. Although it would be wrong to artificially limit your menu options to fit on a small screen, it's important to consider how this experience will look and work. While you're creating your initial information architecture, see if you can work out a hierarchy that gives you a small enough number of essential top level items then they'll display well on smaller screens, and unless you have an unusually large number of top level menu items, use the same menu structure on desktop and mobile devices. Normally, your primary navigation will display across the top of the page, which limits you to around five or so items if you want to keep them all on one line. You might not have to display all of your primary menu items in this list. Some items…
