From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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How people read on the web

How people read on the web

- When people visit your website, they aren't reading much of your content. Instead, they're scanning pages to find a mention of the items they're interested in. They're getting a feeling for whether the content on the page will help them find what they're looking for. Using eye tracking technology, we can see where people look on the page. Here's an example heat map produced by noting the places where people's eyes rested. Hotter colors like red and yellow mean more time spent in those areas. Colder colors like blue and green mean less time. You can see that people's gaze follows a kind of F pattern on the page, moving across the page near the top, and then moving down the left-hand side with movements across the page from time to time. What this means is that the first paragraphs of the page will get the most attention. Subsequently, it's typically headings and bullet lists that get read. Also, even for things that people read, it's the first 11 characters of each chunk that are the…
