From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Creating progressive navigation

Creating progressive navigation

- Ultimately, your site is all about getting information across to your visitors. This information is either going to help them choose what to buy, to sign up for a service you offer, or just to let them know more about a topic. Everything else, the navigation structure, the search function, and so on is only on the site in order to support this task, to get people to the place where the information lives. Having said that, any site with more than a couple of information pages is going to need a way to lead visitors to the correct content. That normally means adding summary pages that roll up content into categories. Category pages provide an introduction to the collection of articles, products, or other pages that make up each section of the site. Category pages work as a drill down point for information within the section. Obviously, they also help by informing visitors about the key points within the section and allow them to navigate to sub content. The category page is meant to…
