From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Continuing your UX journey

Continuing your UX journey

- I hope you've enjoyed this course. I've given you the concepts you need to create a great user experience on your website. Hopefully now you're energized to try out the things you've learned and share them with others. There are many more user experience courses here on LinkedIn Learning. If you're interested in getting a deeper understanding of user experience, my site, UX Syllabus, puts a structure around these courses to form a bootcamp-style learning experience. Also on that site, you'll find links to many other user experience resources, sites, newsletters, podcasts, conference talks, books, and industry groups. I've created courses specifically for people creating user experiences for eCommerce sites and for small businesses. I talk more about how to write for an online audience in Learning to Write for the Web. And if you do nothing else, I suggest you take the time to usability test your site. Find around five to eight people who are representative of your customers, and…
