From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Content has a structure

Content has a structure

- The information you put on your site, the content, can probably be arranged in more than one way. It's important to work out what the primary way will be before you build your navigation structure, because otherwise you'll end up adding more and more menu items as you go along until the whole navigation is a real mess. Most often, content is either task, category or audience-based. If the content on your site can be summed up as verbs, that's doing words, then you have a task-based navigation structure. For example, on a financial product site, the navigation is all verb-based. Check balance, borrow, save, invest, plan, that creates a task-based navigation. Just be sure to use the words that your visitors would normally use when you create the navigation labels. People have to understand which section is most likely to be right for them. If your site's content is nouns, that's names of specific items, then it's likely that your main navigation will be by category. Some examples here…
