From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Consistent design

Consistent design

- If it's not clear what visitors have to do to get the information they want, they'll leave. The more time your visitors have to spend working out how your site behaves, the less time they'll have for your content. Consistent design means having the same response whenever people perform an action. For instance, every time they click a text link, they should see another page, not a popup dialogue, a video, or some other unexpected action. Navigation menus should always contain the same items. It's fine to open and close submenus but not to hide the main menu that lets visitors move between the major areas of your site. Without that navigational consistency, visitors won't be able to work out where they are on the site and how to get to other areas they care about. The same is true with the wording you use on the site. Although it's tempting to break out a thesaurus and find different names for things just to break the monotony, visitors to your site are relying on that consistent…
