From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Considering your users

Considering your users

- The most important message to take away from this course is that without your users, you have nothing. For that reason, it's essential that you build the whole site with your users' experience in mind. Every time you make a design decision, ask, does this make the experience better for my users? You can apply what you've learned in this course to help answer that question. You can also consider watching real users working with your site, a usability study as a way of better understanding user needs and how well your site meets those needs. It might feel like many of the recommendations in this course are aimed at getting people to leave your site as soon as possible by making it easy for them to find a piece of information and then move on. You might be thinking, "Surely, it's better to draw them in so they spend as much time there as possible, especially if you're ad driven." Well, no. What's better is to build a reputation as a place that has the information that people need…
