From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Arranging detailed content

Arranging detailed content

- Often, you'll have more information on a topic than completely fits on one screen. There are three main ways of displaying this information. One, linear scrolling page, a series of shorter sequential pages, or a hub-and-spoke arrangement where you link out from an overview to specific details. The style you use will depend on the type of information you're trying to get across. It used to be that if content wasn't shown above the fold, in other words, if it didn't display on the screen without scrolling, then visitors would be unlikely to see it. Now, though, easy swiping on touchscreen devices and scroll wheels on mice have made it so that almost all visitors to your site are likely to be comfortable scrolling down through content. That means it's okay to just put your information in one long page if you have good reasons not to split it up. You might do this when splitting it would cause confusion. For instance, people might miss out on part of a list of instructions or when you…
