From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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About Us: A special detail page

About Us: A special detail page

- One detail page that you really want to put on your site and also link from your navigation menu is the About Us page. No other page does more for establishing visitors' trust in what you offer. In fact, the About Us page might as well be called the Can I Trust You page? Because your online visitors may never meet you in person, they need a way of knowing more about you so that they can be sure you're okay to do business with, or that the information you're providing is accurate. Think about what that means for your site. Your About Us page is the best location to provide the details that will help someone to trust you. Like all the other detail pages on your site, the content here should be truthful and open. If you have a physical location, tell people the address. Include a professional looking image of the building, or even the interior of your location, if that makes sense. If you don't have a public facing location, use photos that show your facilities, production line, or the…
