From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Working with levels

Working with levels

When we work with Unreal Engine, we'll typically store all of our scenes in what's called a level. So let's go ahead and open a project and take a look at how levels work. Now I can open my projects for my Epic Games launcher. If I go to Unreal Engine library, you should see all of your recent projects. You can also go to the Exercise Files folder that you downloaded. Now we should have a UE5 Essential Training folder. If I open that up, you'll see we have this UE5_Esst.uproject. If I double-click on that, it will automatically open. So this might be a faster way for you to get to a project rather than have to go through the Epic Games launcher, you can load it directly from the desktop. Now, this may take a little bit of time to load depending upon your system. Now, once we have it, you can see that we're loaded into a blank level. And typically, when you create a blank project, you'll get a level called main, which is essentially a blank level. Now this particular project already…
