From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Variant Manager to swap elements

Variant Manager to swap elements - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

Variant Manager to swap elements

When you work in an area where you have to do presentations such as architecture, product design, and so on, you may want to be able to present variations of a specific scene or object, and Unreal's Variance Manager can really help with this, and it's just another way to interact with your scenes. So let's create some variations for this scooter. We're going to change the paint. And then if you notice we have a couple of different seats. So we're going to swap out the seat. So I'm going to go into my content miscellaneous folder. Let's just right-click and add in. Under miscellaneous, we're going to find Level Variant Sets. Left-click on that and it brings in this object. And we can give it a name. So let's just call this ScooterVariants. And let's double-click on it. But before we do that, let's take a look at this scooter. So the scooter has two seats and then the body, main has the paint that we want to change, and the actual paint that we're going to change is in element zero. So…
