From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Using Nanite

Using Nanite

If you're working with scenes that have a lot of detail, you may want to consider Unreal Engine's Nanite. Now, this is an internal format that Unreal Engine has that allows it to display high-resolution geometry very, very quickly. Now it's really easy to set up. All you have to do is go into project settings. And just type in the word Nanite, N-A-N-I-T-E and just make sure that that's checked on. Now that's the default. Hopefully, it will be checked on. If not, go ahead and check it. And then when you import an asset, you just tell Unreal Engine that this will be a Nanite asset. So let's go into our assets folder. And I have a folder here called Terrain. Let's right-click, import, and then go to Terrain.fbx. Let's go ahead and open that. Now for this, you want to make sure that levels of detail is turned off. So no Import Mesh LODs because Nanite will be doing a lot of that work. So you just want to make sure that you turn on Build Nanite and then just do an Import All. Now because…
