From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Trigger volumes to start animation

Trigger volumes to start animation - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

Trigger volumes to start animation

- [Instructor] Now, let's go ahead and add some automation to our interactivity by creating doors that open automatically. So we're going to do this by doing some animation as well as some blueprints. So let's go ahead and go into this miscellaneous folder here. And we're going to create, going to right-click here, we're going to create under cinematics, what's called a level sequence. And let's give this a name, we're going to call this Door_Open. And then let's double-click on this. And this brings up the sequencer. So here's our content browser, here's our sequencer. And the first thing we want to do is, let's go ahead and make this a little bit less. So I'm going to move my slider here to 30. We want those doors to open in about a second, And then right-click and go set end time. So now, we've got from 0 to 30. So what are we going to animate? Well, we've got two doors in here. We've got anim door left and anim door right. And so as you can see, those can open up. And so let's go…
