From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Transparency effects

Transparency effects

Let's go a little bit deeper into materials and show you how to create materials that are translucent or glassy. So let's create a glass material that we're going to place on this sphere. So I'm going to right-click. Actually, I'm going to be in my Assets Materials folder and go right-click and create a new material. And let's just call this Glassy_Mat. Now I'm going to double-click on this. And as you can see, we've got a number of values here in our base material. But if you notice, the opacity is grayed out as well as refraction. So we need to make sure that we turn those on before we create this material. Because this material will be transparent and it will have some refraction. So we can do that in the details panel. So I'm going to scroll down a little bit in details till we see Material Domain, Blend Mode, and Shading Model. So we want to make sure the material domain is a surface. The blend mode is where we configure translucency. So I just want to make sure that this is…
