From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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The Epic Launcher

The Epic Launcher

Let's get started with Unreal Engine. If you've downloaded Unreal, you should have an Epic Games launcher. So if you double-click on that, you'll get this window. Now this window serves a number of purposes. First off, it's a store so you can actually download games. And most of these are created in Unreal Engine. Now we're actually wanting to use Unreal Engine itself. So over here, we can click on "Unreal Engine", and you'll see we get a new set of menus. Now the first one is news and this will give you some news about Unreal Engine. In this case, we just released 5.3 which is what we'll be using. And this will also include news about things such as content and other sorts of things. So it's always good to kind of check in, make sure you're working with the most recent versions of Unreal. In addition to this, we have samples and these are basically sample scenes. So you can dive deeper into Unreal Engine. And so you can download these and play with them and kind of see how a…
