From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Skeletal meshes

Skeletal meshes

Unreal Engine Skeletal Mesh Editor allows you to work with meshes that have deformations or skeletons applied. Typically, this is used for characters. So let's go ahead and import a character and take a look at the skeletal mesh editor. I'm going to go into my assets folder under character and then right-click "Import". And then in our Exercise Files Assets folder, we have Character.fbx. Let's go ahead and import that. Now when we have these import options, Unreal is smart enough to understand that this is a skeletal mesh, so it should check it automatically for you. You can always check it yourself. You can force it to be a skeletal mesh as well. We've done that before. But you want to make sure that you import geometry and skinning weights and then everything else you can just leave at the default. So let's go ahead and do import. And if you get any errors, go ahead and clear them. And so here we have a character that we can bring into the scene. But more importantly, I can…
