From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Manipulating objects

Manipulating objects

Now let's take a look at how to transform objects or manipulate them in Unreal Engine. And by that, I mean move, rotate, and scale. So remember that we have these buttons here along the top of the viewport. This is for select. The hotkey for that is Q. W is move. E is rotate, R is scale. So I'm going to hit the "W" key for move. And then you can just use that as a select tool. So if I click on something, it will select and activate the move tool. Now the move tool can work with or without snapping. So if this is on, it will snap to the nearest 10 units. Now you can change this by left-clicking on this number and selecting whatever you want. Let's keep it at 10. And then all we have to do is move. Now you'll see that it's kind of snapping. So it's kind of a little bit more regular there. But if we want, we can turn this off. And you'll see you get a very smooth motion. Now if you want, you can also move things numerically. So I'm going to go ahead and bring up this details panel. And…
