From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Import assets into level

Import assets into level

Another way to import assets into Unreal Engine is to do it directly into the level. Now, before we import it into the content browser and then dragged it into the level. So this is a little bit differently and you can get some different ways to import the objects. So let's go back into our assets folder and then go into imports. And we're going to make a couple of new folders. So I'm going to make one called Scooter_BP. New Folder. Again I'm right-clicking "Scooter_Actor". And then right-click again "New Folder", Scooter_Comp So what we can do is we can import directly into this level by going into file, Import Into Level. Now we can use any number of different types of files. You can see that we have a lot of different file formats. But we're going to again select Scooter_Yellow.fbx in our Exercise Files assets folder and then click "Open". Now this is where it gets a little bit different from how we imported before. It's going to ask you for a folder where to place that…
