From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Exporting cinematics

Exporting cinematics

Now, once you have your animation in place, you can render it to a file to use in presentation or video or really any way that you want. So let's go into our assets animation folder and you may have more than one here, but I'm looking for 09_03 sequence. So let's double-click on that. And just to check, we can scroll through it or we can press play to see what that looks like. And that looks pretty good. So what we need to do now is render this. Well, you can render it very easily by clicking on this little clapboard button here. And what this does is it gives you a lot of options. So the first one is what are we rendering? Well, we're going to render My Camera, which is the default. Settings. Click on that. Where are we rendering? I'm going to render to the default, which is basically in the saved folder in your project. And I'll show you where that is in just a bit. File name format. Okay. Do we want the sequence name? Okay. Yes. And then the frame number. Great. What's the output…
