From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Editing materials and instances

Editing materials and instances

Now let's take a brief look at some ways to edit materials in Unreal Engine. So in this project, I have a bunch of different materials. But let's go into Assets, Cabin_Scene. And if we double-click on the materials folder, you'll see we have a lot of these. Now if I expand this, you'll see that a couple of these are named material instance and some are named material. Now these are slightly different. A material is basically an original source. So it basically has all the things that you need to really create the material. A material instance points to another material and just adds changes. And that's a really quick way to create different types of materials. So for example, this patio table material that we looked at before is an instance. And if I double-click on this, you'll see this window here. And this allows me to edit that particular instance. So we can change things such as the metallicness of this. If you want to make it a little bit more metal or if you want to make it…
