From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Editing material nodes

Editing material nodes

Now let's go a little bit deeper into nodes in the Material Editor. Now I have my material here and I've saved it out as 05_04_TileFloor. So let's double-click on this. And this was the material we were working with last. And so as you can see, we've got a bunch of texture maps brought into this particular material. Now if we want, we can actually add in additional values that aren't based on a texture map. So let's say we wanted to work with, say, metallic and specular, and we wanted to control those. Well, the easiest way to do that is to bring in what's called a constant and then use that to control these values. So all I have to do is right-click and it brings up this menu. Now we can either search this menu or we can just go down to this constants. Now there are a number of constants. And it's really just how many vectors we have. So if it's a single value, you'd use a constant, if it's a color, you'd use something like a Constant3Vector. Now let's just use a single value. So if…
