From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Customizing Unreal Engine

Customizing Unreal Engine

The Unreal Engine interface is also highly customizable. Now, I've mentioned this before, but let's take a look at some ways you can customize it. The first is just by resizing the size and scale of the window. So if I hover over any one of these edges, I can expand or contract these different windows, different elements in the interface. I can also go to the Window menu and bring in any new type of window I want. So if I wanted a new viewport, I already have one, but if I wanted the second one, I could click on this and it will bring up a second viewport. Now this viewport can be changed. So for example, if I wanted a top view of this scene, I could certainly do that. And if I wanted to, I could float this window on another monitor or I can dock it. So if I want to, I can grab this and notice how, as I hover over different parts of that interface, it highlights in kind of an orange color. So if I go over here to the left side, you can see I can dock this window on the left. And now I…
