From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Configuring viewports

Configuring viewports

A lot of the work that you do in Unreal Engine happens in the viewport. Now, viewports themselves have a number of different controls. So let's take a look at these buttons along the top of the viewport. Now over here on the top left, we have a menu. And that can basically change a lot of different things about how we view this particular viewport. One is real-time. Do we want to do real-time rendering? We could also do things such as show frames per second. So when I click that on, you'll see that I'm getting this frames per second. And that's a good way to kind of gauge how efficient or how fast your particular level is going. We can always toggle that off. We can change the field of view, which is basically the width of that camera lens. It defaults to 90. We can also do what's called game view, which will show this exactly like you see it in a game. So we have all of these little helper icons in here. And in the game, you wouldn't normally see those. So we can switch that off. We…
