From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Atmospheric effects

Atmospheric effects

Another way to add depth and character to your scenes is to use fog. Now fog can create depth as well as mood to your scene. So in our scenes that we've been working with, we should have an exponential height fog. And this is the fog you will typically use in Unreal Engine. So let's go through this and understand how to control it. Now the first thing you want to do is just see what it does by default. So we have it pretty much set up to the defaults here. So if I just toggle off the visibility, you can see what it does. It basically is kind of hiding that horizon and it's giving me kind of a soft... One more time. You can see it basically hides the horizon, gives me a soft transition from ground to sky. Now, if I want to, I can go into my details panel and control that a little bit more specifically. So if we scroll up to the top here, you'll see we have exponential height fog component. Now this is what's called height fog. So it is the type of fog that kind of hangs close to the…
