From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Additional light types

Additional light types

In addition to environmental lighting, you can also add individual lights into your scenes, such as a spotlight or point light. So let's take a look at how to use those. So in this scene, well, I already have some light in here. I have a sun and sky. So I'm just going to select sun and sky and toggle the visibility off. And that'll darken our scene. And let's add a single light into this. So I'm going to go into my quickly add menu, go into lights and let's select Point Light. Now, if I move that, in this case, along the red axis and then up along the blue axis, you'll see that this is illuminating the scene. Now the point light is basically just a point light source. So it illuminates in all directions. So it's like the bare light bulb in the room. So let's take a look at some of the attributes that we can control in the details panel. So under light, we have intensity. I'm going to turn this up or down, make it brighter or dimmer. And we can change the unit. So if you want to make…
