From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Adding a player

Adding a player

Now let's move on to interactivity. Now, the easiest way to interact with a scene is to use a player and just hit "Play" and navigate the scene interactively. Now we're using the default architectural template, which has the most simple type of player. Now when you have a default scene, you should have something called a player start, which I have in this scene. If you want, you can create one simply by going to add, basic, players start and that will create exactly what we have here. Now this, if you look at this, this is basically just a volume. So this volume is a collision volume. So if you were to run into something like a door or something like that, you can use that collision volume to open and close the door, to change the lighting as you move in and out of a volume, and so on. So this is how Unreal Engine tells where you're at. Now, in addition to this, you see the little gamepad icon. If you have one, you can use it to navigate. But if we want, we can also navigate with the…
