From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Adding a blueprint character

Adding a blueprint character

If you need additional interactivity in your levels, you can add other types of players that will afford you that. Now we can do this by adding in what are called the blueprints that drive these. Now blueprint is basically a way to program Unreal Engine. Now, right now we have a basic player here. But if I right-click and go into add feature or content pack, you'll see that under blueprint, we have a number of different types of features or content. So we can create something that, see something with a vehicle view, third person, or first person. So let's go ahead and select first person and add to project. Now watch what happens. It's actually going to add quite a bit into our project. If I go to my content folder, you'll see it's added approximately four new folders. Now if we go into that first person folder and go into blueprints, you'll see we have a number of blueprints. The first one is BP_FirstPerson_Character. And that's really what is going to be driving this. So let's go…
