From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Stopping processes

Stopping processes

- [Instructor] Now that we understand about Unix processes. I want us to talk about how you can stop processes. There're a number of different ways that we can stop processes in Unix. The first and simplest is just to let the process finish. It may take a minute or two, but it's the most graceful thing, just to let it do its job. If we're inside a program, where we have some communication with it, like a nano text editor, for example, or the man pages, there may be a way to gracefully exit out. And we can usually do that with either Q, control Q, colon Q, X, control plus X, or the escape key. The more common ones are towards the front of the list. And it usually depends on the program that's actually running. So, the programmer of that program gets to make the choice about whether you use Q or colon Q, in order to quit out. If you can't gracefully exit out of the program and you need to do so forcibly, you can do that…
