From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Command structure

Command structure

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll discuss the structure of Unix commands. Commands in Unix have three parts. There's the command, and then any arguments to the command. They're always in that order. The command is always a single word. It's the action that we want Unix to perform. We saw this in the previous movie with our first example where we used echo. After that, we didn't have any options, options are optional. The argument is 'Hello World'. That's a text string and it's inside quotes, so that Unix knows that it's a single string of text. The options modify the behavior of the command in some way. If we had used the dash in option with echo, it would suppress the new line return after the output. So there's the normal behavior for the command, the default behavior, and then there's the modified behavior using an option. Notice how the spaces separate the command, the option, and the argument. You may also have a…
