From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Unity documentation

Unity documentation

- [Instructor] As we go through this course, we are going to cover a lot and I don't expect you to remember every function and action you need to build your amazing project. If you ever get stuck or need a refresher this is where Unity's vast resources come into play. What you do, you click on help and then you can click on Unity Manual and this is where you can find most of the information. So what you could do is either explore on the left here. So let's say for example you want to know more about 2D game development you can click on this section and then introduction and go through all the information here. If you want to know something specific and you don't want to scroll through the manual here what you could do is do a search. So let's say for example, you want to know more about URP You can actually do a search and then go into the list. Same thing with lighting and then go through the information here. So it's…
