From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Unity Collider components

Unity Collider components - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Unity Collider components

- [Instructor] As we've explored briefly in the last chapter, colliders are the main tool to allow us to set some rules around collisions for our objects in our scene. In other words, make sure we don't walk through walls or objects. So let's explore those. So what I'm going to do is go to the table here, and click on Add Components, and then click on Physics, and then you'll see colliders here. If we take a look at the ones we have available, they all essentially do the same thing, but in different scenarios we use different ones. The Box Collider is typically the one we use on most objects, so always start with this one. The Mesh Collider will change based on the volume or size of the mesh, and is useful when the object isn't quite an even shape. The Sphere Collider is for rounded objects, and the Capsule Collider is typically used with characters, this one. So with that said, what we'll do in the next video is apply…
