From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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The Unity Audio Mixer

The Unity Audio Mixer

- [Instructor] The audio mixer is a great way to control audio levels for each sound as the character or your camera walks through our scene. So let's explore how to work with the audio mixer and adjust some of the levels of our sound and play it afterwards. All right, so what I'm going to do is in the audio folder, I'm going to right click, Create and select Audio Mixer. And I'm going to call this Kitchen and I'm going to double click on this audio mixer. And as you can see right now, I have a master sound. But what I want to do is add a group for the kettle sound and a group for the ambient sound. And usually what you would do is create groups for a specific set of sounds and add all these sounds to specific groups. So because I have only two sounds, I'm going to create the groups, add the sounds to them. But if you had, for example, a big scene with multiple characters with multiple sounds at the same time, this is where…
