From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Texels exploration

Texels exploration

- [Instructor] So let's explore what is the text hole density and you're going to see it live through the bake map. So in between this video and the last I actually baked a map here and I use low settings because I didn't want to wait two hours for this to bake. So if you look at the top here you have this icon here that you can select and choose the view that you have in here in the seat. So you can have shaded wire frame shaded wire frame, and so on, so forth. The one we're looking for is baked lightmap. By clicking on this one it's going to show you the baked lightmap. And by the way, if it's too shiny you can actually change the exposure here. And as you decrease it, you're going to see the baked lightmap. This is the squares that you're seeing in this scene are the textiles. This is the textile density for each object. So, however this was UV mapped, you're going to see the number of squares, and this is the textile…
