From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Prefab Variants

Prefab Variants

- [Instructor] What is a prefab variant? It is very similar to an instance of a prefab, but now you'll have access to it to be added in your scene much like the original prefab. For example, let's say we were building a library that contains hundreds of books. It might be more manageable to build several different versions of a book as prefabs and use them throughout our scene. This is where prefab variants might be handy. So let me show you. So what we're going to do is grab the book here, the first one, and then we're going to do the exact same thing that we did in the last video and select prefab variant. Remember we had that option? Let's go ahead and do it, drag it here. And then we have prefab variant. So basically what it does it's going to create that prefab variant here and we can drag and drop that same prefab variant and it's going to be the variant of this book here. So if I go ahead and drag another copy,…
