From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Physics and rigid bodies

Physics and rigid bodies - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Physics and rigid bodies

- [Instructor] Physics and rigid body allow game objects to act within the control of physics. In other words, we can add gravity and realistic behaviors to certain objects. So let's take a look at this. So what we're going to do is add a sphere that's going to act as a ball inside of our scene here. So what I'm going to do first is remove all these icons here and I'm going to add a sphere inside of the scene. And what it's going to do with rigid body it's going to fall through the table. We're going to add a collider to the table, the floor, and everything else later on to make sure that it doesn't fall through. But for this video, we're going to add mass and some physics to that ball, because right now if we play and we add a ball, it's not going to move. So let's go ahead and create first a sphere. So I'm going to right click into my hierarchy, create 3D object, and select the sphere. And let's make sure that our…
