From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Packaging your scene

Packaging your scene

- [Instructor] Let's say you had a first person controller, and you'd like to export the demo or game for a client on a specific platform. How would you go about doing that? Let's explore this. So it's a very simple step. So if you go into your File here, you have two elements here. Build Settings, first, you need to go there first, and then if you set up all your things in Build Settings, you can go ahead and Build And Run, and it's going to create your file every single time you run this. So let's go into the Build Settings and set it up properly. If you remember early on in the course when we installed the packages, when we installed all the elements that came with Unity, you had other packages that you can install like Android, iOS, and tvOS. If you did, you would see these packages here, and you would be able to export to these specific platforms. So, for example, if you add Android, you could use Android and…
